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Lab 6: OOP | CS 61A Spring 2024

Lab 6: OOP

Due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, March 6.

Starter Files

Download Inside the archive, you will find starter files for the questions in this lab, along with a copy of the Ok autograder.

Required Questions

Getting Started Videos

These videos may provide some helpful direction for tackling the coding problems on this assignment.

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Object-Oriented Programming

Here's a refresher on Object-Oriented Programming. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here if you get stuck.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method of organizing programs in terms of objects and classes.

Here's an example class:

class Car:
num_wheels = 4

def __init__(self, color):
self.wheels = Car.num_wheels
self.color = color

def drive(self):
if self.wheels <= Car.num_wheels:
return self.color + ' car cannot drive!'
return self.color + ' car goes vroom!'

def pop_tire(self):
if self.wheels > 0:
self.wheels -= 1

Here's some terminology:

  • class: the type of an object, which describes the behavior of its instances. The Car class (shown above) describes the behavior that all Car objects have.

  • instance: the term "instance" means then same thing as "object"; every object is an instance of its class. In Python, new instances are created by calling a class.

    >>> ferrari = Car('red')

    Here, ferrari is a name bound to an instance of the Car class.

  • attribute: Objects have named attributes, such as wheels and color in this example. They can be accessed using dot expressions and changed using assignment.

    >>> ferrari.color
    >>> ferrari.wheels
    >>> ferrari.color = 'green'
    >>> ferrari.color
  • method: Methods are functions that are attributes of a class and called using a dot expression. Methods often describe actions associated with an object, such as drive a car.

    >>> ferrari = Car('red')
    'red car goes vroom!'
  • The __init__ special method: The method called __init__ is special because it is called automatically when a new instance of a class is created; it is where we initialize the instance attributes. The expression Car('red') calls the __init__ method of the Car class.

  • self: in Python, self is the first parameter for methods When a method is called, self is automatically bound to an instance of the class that was used in the dot expression that called the method. For example, in:

    >>> ferrari = Car('red')

    Notice how the drive method takes in self as an argument, but it looks like we didn't pass one in! This is because the dot notation implicitly passes in ferrari as self for us. So in this example, self is bound to the object called ferrari in the global frame.

Q1: Bank Account

Extend the Account class from lecture so that each Account instance has a transactions attribute, which is a list of Transaction instances, one for every call made to deposit or withdraw. A Transaction instance records the balance before and after each call to deposit or withdraw. In addition, each Transaction is assigned an id attribute, which is the number of previous calls to deposit or withdraw on that account. The id is only unique within the scope of each account, rather than being a universally unique identifier across all transactions.

A Transaction has two methods:

  • changed returns True if the balance was different before and after the transaction and False otherwise.
  • report returns a string describing the transaction. It starts with the ID and then a message.
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, id, before, after): = id
self.before = before
self.after = after

def changed(self):
"""Return whether the transaction resulted in a changed balance."""
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

def report(self):
"""Return a string describing the transaction.

>>> Transaction(3, 20, 10).report()
'3: decreased 20->10'
>>> Transaction(4, 20, 50).report()
'4: increased 20->50'
>>> Transaction(5, 50, 50).report()
'5: no change'
msg = 'no change'
if self.changed():
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
return str( + ': ' + msg

class Account:
"""A bank account that tracks its transaction history.

>>> a = Account('Eric')
>>> a.deposit(100) # Transaction 0 for a
>>> b = Account('Erica')
>>> a.withdraw(30) # Transaction 1 for a
>>> a.deposit(10) # Transaction 2 for a
>>> b.deposit(50) # Transaction 0 for b
>>> b.withdraw(10) # Transaction 1 for b
>>> a.withdraw(100) # Transaction 3 for a
'Insufficient funds'
>>> len(a.transactions)
>>> len([t for t in a.transactions if t.changed()])
>>> for t in a.transactions:
... print(
0: increased 0->100
1: decreased 100->70
2: increased 70->80
3: no change
>>> b.withdraw(100) # Transaction 2 for b
'Insufficient funds'
>>> b.withdraw(30) # Transaction 3 for b
>>> for t in b.transactions:
... print(
0: increased 0->50
1: decreased 50->40
2: no change
3: decreased 40->10


def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder

def deposit(self, amount):
"""Increase the account balance by amount, add the deposit
to the transaction history, and return the new balance.
self.balance = self.balance + amount
return self.balance

def withdraw(self, amount):
"""Decrease the account balance by amount, add the withdraw
to the transaction history, and return the new balance.
if amount > self.balance:
return 'Insufficient funds'
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return self.balance

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q Account

Q2: Email

An email system has three classes: Email, Server, and Client. A Client can compose an email, which it will send to the Server. The Server then delivers it to the inbox of another Client. To achieve this, a Server has a dictionary called clients that matches the recipient_name in an Email to the Client object with that name.

Assume that a client never changes the server that it uses, and it only composes emails using that server.

Fill in the definitions below to finish the implementation! The Email class has been completed for you.

class Email:
"""An email has the following instance attributes:

msg (str): the contents of the message
sender (Client): the client that sent the email
recipient_name (str): the name of the recipient (another client)
def __init__(self, msg, sender, recipient_name):
self.msg = msg
self.sender = sender
self.recipient_name = recipient_name

class Server:
"""Each Server has one instance attribute called clients that is a
dictionary from client names to client objects.
def __init__(self):
self.clients = {}

def send(self, email):
"""Append the email to the inbox of the client it is addressed to."""

def register_client(self, client):
"""Add a client to the dictionary of clients."""
____[____] = ____

class Client:
"""A client has a server, a name (str), and an inbox (list).

>>> s = Server()
>>> a = Client(s, 'Alice')
>>> b = Client(s, 'Bob')
>>> a.compose('Hello, World!', 'Bob')
>>> b.inbox[0].msg
'Hello, World!'
>>> a.compose('CS 61A Rocks!', 'Bob')
>>> len(b.inbox)
>>> b.inbox[1].msg
'CS 61A Rocks!'
>>> b.inbox[1]
def __init__(self, server, name):
self.inbox = []
self.server = server = name

def compose(self, message, recipient_name):
"""Send an email with the given message to the recipient."""
email = Email(message, ____, ____)

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q Client

Q3: Make Change

Implement make_change, which takes a positive integer amount and a dictionary of coins. The coins dictionary keys are positive integer denominations and its values are positive integer coin counts. For example, {1: 4, 5: 2} represents four pennies and two nickels. The make_change function returns a list of coins that sum to amount, where the count of any denomination k in the return value is at most coins[k].

If there are multiple ways to make change for amount, prefer to use as many of the smallest coins available and place the smallest coins first in the returned list.

def make_change(amount, coins):
"""Return a list of coins that sum to amount, preferring the smallest coins
available and placing the smallest coins first in the returned list.

The coins argument is a dictionary with keys that are positive integer
denominations and values that are positive integer coin counts.

>>> make_change(2, {2: 1})
>>> make_change(2, {1: 2, 2: 1})
[1, 1]
>>> make_change(4, {1: 2, 2: 1})
[1, 1, 2]
>>> make_change(4, {2: 1}) == None

>>> coins = {2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 1}
>>> make_change(4, coins)
[2, 2]
>>> make_change(8, coins)
[2, 2, 4]
>>> make_change(25, coins)
[2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]
>>> coins[8] = 1
>>> make_change(25, coins)
[2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 8]
if not coins:
return None
smallest = min(coins)
rest = remove_one(coins, smallest)
if amount < smallest:
return None
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

You should use the remove_one function in your implementation:

def remove_one(coins, coin):
"""Remove one coin from a dictionary of coins. Return a new dictionary,
leaving the original dictionary coins unchanged.

>>> coins = {2: 5, 3: 2, 6: 1}
>>> remove_one(coins, 2) == {2: 4, 3: 2, 6: 1}
>>> remove_one(coins, 6) == {2: 5, 3: 2}
>>> coins == {2: 5, 3: 2, 6: 1} # Unchanged
copy = dict(coins)
count = copy.pop(coin) - 1 # The coin denomination is removed
if count:
copy[coin] = count # The coin denomination is added back
return copy

Hint: Try using the smallest coin to make change. If it turns out that there is no way to make change using the smallest coin, then try making change without the smallest coin.

Hint: The simplest solution does not involve defining any local functions, but you can define additional functions if you wish.

Definitely try to solve this without reading the walkthrough, but if you're really stuck then read the walkthrough.

The code for make_change(amount, coins) should do the following:

  1. Check if amount == smallest, in which case return a one-element list containing just smallest.
  2. Otherwise, call make_change(amount-smallest, rest), which returns either None or a list of numbers.
  3. If the call in Step 2 returned a list, then return a longer list that includes smallest at the front.
  4. If the call in Step 2 returned None, then there's no way to use the smallest coin, so just make_change(amount, rest)

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q make_change

Q4: Change Machine

Complete the change method of the ChangeMachine class. A ChangeMachine instance holds some coins, which are initially all pennies. The change method takes a positive integer coin, adds that coin to its coins, and then returns a list that sums to coin. The machine prefers to return as many of the smallest coins available, ordered from smallest to largest. The coins returned by change are removed from the machine's coins.

class ChangeMachine:
"""A change machine holds a certain number of coins, initially all pennies.
The change method adds a single coin of some denomination X and returns a
list of coins that sums to X. The machine prefers to return the smallest
coins available. The total value in the machine never changes, and it can
always make change for any coin (perhaps by returning the coin passed in).

The coins attribute is a dictionary with keys that are positive integer
denominations and values that are positive integer coin counts.

>>> m = ChangeMachine(2)
>>> m.coins == {1: 2}
>>> m.change(2)
[1, 1]
>>> m.coins == {2: 1}
>>> m.change(2)
>>> m.coins == {2: 1}
>>> m.change(3)
>>> m.coins == {2: 1}

>>> m = ChangeMachine(10) # 10 pennies
>>> m.coins == {1: 10}
>>> m.change(5) # takes a nickel & returns 5 pennies
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
>>> m.coins == {1: 5, 5: 1} # 5 pennies & a nickel remain
>>> m.change(3)
[1, 1, 1]
>>> m.coins == {1: 2, 3: 1, 5: 1}
>>> m.change(2)
[1, 1]
>>> m.change(2) # not enough 1's remaining; return a 2
>>> m.coins == {2: 1, 3: 1, 5: 1}
>>> m.change(8) # cannot use the 2 to make 8, so use 3 & 5
[3, 5]
>>> m.coins == {2: 1, 8: 1}
>>> m.change(1) # return the penny passed in (it's the smallest)
>>> m.change(9) # return the 9 passed in (no change possible)
>>> m.coins == {2: 1, 8: 1}
>>> m.change(10)
[2, 8]
>>> m.coins == {10: 1}

>>> m = ChangeMachine(9)
>>> [m.change(k) for k in [2, 2, 3]]
[[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
>>> m.coins == {1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 1}
>>> m.change(5) # Prefers [1, 1, 3] to [1, 2, 2] (more pennies)
[1, 1, 3]
>>> m.change(7)
[2, 5]
>>> m.coins == {2: 1, 7: 1}
def __init__(self, pennies):
self.coins = {1: pennies}

def change(self, coin):
"""Return change for coin, removing the result from self.coins."""
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Hint: Call the make_change function in order to compute the result of change, but update self.coins before returning that result.

Definitely try to solve this without reading the walkthrough, but if you're really stuck then read the walkthrough.

The code for change(self, coin) should do the following:

  1. Add the coin to the machine. This way, you can just make change and you'll always get some result, although it might just be that coin back. The simplest way is to get the count of that coin (defaulting to 0) and add 1 to it: self.coins[coin] = 1 + self.coins.get(coin, 0)
  2. Call make_change(coin, self.coins) and assign the result to a name (such as result). You'll return this at the end.
  3. Before returning, reduce the count of each coin you are returning. One way is to repeatedly call remove_one(self.coins, c) for each coin c in the result of calling make_change in Step 2.
  4. Return the result of calling make_change in Step 2.

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q ChangeMachine

Check Your Score Locally

You can locally check your score on each question of this assignment by running

python3 ok --score

This does NOT submit the assignment! When you are satisfied with your score, submit the assignment to Gradescope to receive credit for it.


Submit this assignment by uploading any files you've edited to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. Lab 00 has detailed instructions.

In addition, all students who are not in the mega lab must complete this attendance form. Submit this form each week, whether you attend lab or missed it for a good reason. The attendance form is not required for mega section students.