Lab 11 Solutions | CS 61A Spring 2024
Lab 11 Solutions
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Consult the drop-down if you need a refresher on quasiquotation. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.
The normal quote '
and the quasiquote `
are both valid ways to quote an expression. However, the quasiquoted expression can be unquoted with the "unquote" ,
(represented by a comma). When a term in a quasiquoted expression is unquoted, the unquoted term is evaluated, instead of being taken as literal text. This mechanism is somewhat akin to using f-strings in Python, where expressions inside {}
are evaluated and inserted into the string.
scm> (define a 5)
scm> (define b 3)
scm> `(* a b) ; Quasiquoted expression
(* a b)
scm> `(* a ,b) ; Unquoted b, which evaluates to 3
(* a 3)
scm> `(* ,(+ a b) b) ; Unquoted (+ a b), which evaluates to 8
(* 8 b)
Q1: WWSD: Quasiquote
Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Scheme Display?" questions:
python3 ok -q wwsd-quasiquote -u
scm> '(1 x 3)
scm> (define x 2)
scm> `(1 x 3)
scm> `(1 ,x 3)
scm> `(1 x ,3)
scm> `(1 (,x) 3)
scm> `(1 ,(+ x 2) 3)
scm> (define y 3)
scm> `(x ,(* y x) y)
scm> `(1 ,(cons x (list y 4)) 5)
Programs as Data
Consult the drop-down if you need a refresher on Programs as Data. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.
All Scheme programs are made up of expressions. There are two types of expressions: primitive (a.k.a atomic) expressions and combinations. Here are some examples of each:
- Primitive/atomic expression:
- Combinations:
(factorial 10)
,(/ 8 3)
,(not #f)
Scheme represents combinations as a Scheme list. Therefore, a combination can be constructed through list manipulation.
For example, the expression (list '+ 2 2)
evaluates to the list (+ 2 2)
, which is also an expression. If we then call eval
on this list, it will evaluate to 4
. The eval
procedure takes in one argument expr
and evaluates expr
in the current environment.
scm> (define expr (list '+ 2 2))
scm> expr
(+ 2 2)
scm> (eval expr)
Additionally, quasiquotation is very helpful for building procedures that create expressions. Take a look at the following add-program
scm> (define (add-program x y)
...> `(+ ,x ,y))
scm> (add-program 3 6)
(+ 3 6)
takes in two inputs x
and y
and returns an expression that, if evaluated, evaluates to the result of adding x
and y
together. Within add-program
, we use a quasiquote to build the addition expression (+ ...)
, and we unquote x
and y
to get their evaluated values in the addition expression.
Q2: If Program
In Scheme, the if
special form allows us to evaluate one of two expressions based on a predicate. Write a program if-program
that takes in the following parameters:
: a quoted expression which will evaluate to the condition in ourif
: a quoted expression which will evaluate to the value we want to return ifpredicate
evaluates to true (#t
: a quoted expression which will evaluate to the value we want to return ifpredicate
evaluates to false (#f
The program returns a Scheme list that represents an if
expression in the form: (if <predicate> <if-true> <if-false>)
. Evaluating this expression returns the result of evaluating this if
Here are some doctests to show this:
scm> (define x 1)
scm> (if-program '(= 0 0) '(+ x 1) 'x)
(if (= 0 0) (+ x 1) x)
scm> (eval (if-program '(= 0 0) '(+ x 1) 'x))
scm> (if-program '(= 1 0) '(print 3) '(print 5))
(if (= 1 0) (print 3) (print 5))
scm> (eval (if-program '(= 1 0) '(print 3) '(print 5)))
(define (if-program condition if-true if-false)
`(if ,condition ,if-true ,if-false))
Use Ok to test your code:
python3 ok -q if-program
Q3: Exponential Powers
Implement a procedure (pow-expr base exp)
that returns an expression that, when evaluated, raises the number base
to the power of the nonnegative integer exp
. The body of pow-expr
should not perform any multiplication (or exponentiation). Instead, it should just construct an expression containing only the symbols square
and *
as well as the number base
and parentheses. The length of this expression should grow logarithmically with respect to exp
, rather than linearly.
scm> (pow-expr 2 0)
scm> (pow-expr 2 1)
(* 2 1)
scm> (pow-expr 2 5)
(* 2 (square (square (* 2 1))))
scm> (pow-expr 2 15)
(* 2 (square (* 2 (square (* 2 (square (* 2 1)))))))
scm> (pow-expr 2 16)
(square (square (square (square (* 2 1)))))
scm> (eval (pow-expr 2 16))
- x2y = (xy)2
- x2y+1 = x(xy)2
For example, 216 = (28)2 and 217 = 2 * (28)2.
You may use the built-in predicates
. Also, thesquare
procedure is defined for you.
Here's the solution to a similar homework problem.
(define (square n) (* n n))
(define (pow-expr base exp)
(cond ((= exp 0) 1)
((even? exp) `(square ,(pow-expr base (/ exp 2))))
(else `(* ,base ,(pow-expr base (- exp 1))))))
Use Ok to test your code:
python3 ok -q pow
A macro is a code transformation that is created using define-macro
and applied using a call expression. A macro call is evaluated by:
- Binding the formal paramters of the macro to the unevaluated operand expressions of the macro call.
- Evaluating the body of the macro, which returns an expression.
- Evaluating the expression returned by the macro in the frame of the original macro call.
scm> (define-macro (twice expr) (list 'begin expr expr))
scm> (twice (+ 2 2)) ; evaluates (begin (+ 2 2) (+ 2 2))
scm> (twice (print (+ 2 2))) ; evaluates (begin (print (+ 2 2)) (print (+ 2 2)))
Q4: Repeat
Define repeat
, a macro that is called on a number n
and an expression expr
. Calling it evaluates expr
in a local frame n
times, and its value is the final result. You will find the helper function repeated-call
useful, which takes a number n
and a zero-argument procedure f
and calls f
For example, (repeat (+ 2 3) (print 1))
is equivalent to:
(repeated-call (+ 2 3) (lambda () (print 1)))
and should evaluate (print 1)
repeatedly 5 times.
The following expression should print four
four times:
(repeat 2 (repeat 2 (print 'four)))
(define-macro (repeat n expr)
`(repeated-call ,n (lambda () ,expr)))
; Call zero-argument procedure f n times and return the final result.
(define (repeated-call n f)
(if (= n 1) (f) (begin (f) (repeated-call (- n 1) f))))
Use Ok to test your code:
python3 ok -q repeat-lambda
The repeated-call
procedure takes a zero-argument procedure, so (lambda () ___)
must appear in the blank. The body of the lambda is expr
, which must be unquoted.
Call f
on no arguments with (f)
. If n
is 1, just call f
. If n
is greater than 1, first call f
and then call (repeated-call (- n 1) f)